Mumbai Chemical: The Epitome of Chemical Excellence

Within the intricate mosaic of the global chemical industry, some brands etch a timeless saga of quality, innovation, and unrivaled service. Mumbai Chemical, deeply anchored in its Indian heritage yet with a global outreach, is one such torchbearer, especially in the realm of Hexadecanoic Acid. With a legacy enriched by years of expertise and an expansive global distribution network, let’s delve deep into the essence of our flagship marvel.

CAS No: 57-10-3

Formula: C₁₆H₃₂O₂


Hexadecanoic Acid, popularly known as palmitic acid, embodies a saturated fatty acid. Characterized by its pristine white crystalline appearance, it carves an indispensable niche across diverse industries, accentuating its paramount significance.


Food Industry:

Food Additive: Its derivatives, palmitates, serve as stabilizing and emulsifying agents in baked goods and dairy products.
Edible Oils: A foundational component in palm oil and various vegetable oils, embellishing many culinary masterpieces.
Cosmetic & Personal Care:

Skin and Hair Elixir: A predominant ingredient in moisturizers and hair serums, offering unparalleled nourishment.
Fragrance Base: Recognized for its unique composition suited for fragrance concoctions.
Pharmaceuticals: An invaluable excipient in a multitude of medicinal formulations.

Industrial Verticals:

Soap & Detergent: Valued for its excellent surfactant capabilities.
Lubricant Additive: Enhancing the performance of lubricants.
Research: A pivotal entity in numerous chemical reactions and investigative endeavors.

Grade Standard: Ranging from Food Grade, Industrial Grade, to Pharmaceutical Grade.

Certification: Our badges of ISO 9001 and GMP are worn with undying pride.

Purity: Consistently achieving the zenith with purity levels of ≥99%.

Appearance: Renowned for its iconic white crystalline facade.


Melting Point: 62.9°C
Boiling Point: 351.5°C
Density: 0.853 g/cm³ at 25°C

Legacy Redefined: Decades of mastery, guided by a brigade of chemical connoisseurs.

Modern Alchemy: At our premises, age-old traditions seamlessly meld with modern-day technology.

Punctuality Personified: An extensive logistics mechanism ensuring time-bound precision.


With a blend of magnitude and perfection, our production facilities stand equipped to cater to the most demanding needs.


Every batch of Hexadecanoic Acid is a testament to precision, meticulously vetted in labs symbolizing the pinnacle of technological advancements.


Every client, for us, is distinctive. Our offerings, be it in composition, packaging, or quantity, are meticulously tailored to individual requirements.


Mumbai Chemical, a luminous emblem in India’s chemical panorama, enjoys an extensive global clientele. While we emanate an Indian essence, our influence resonates through global centers like New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, and beyond.


From custom sachets to robust industrial drums, our packaging endeavors ensure the pristine essence of Hexadecanoic Acid remains untarnished.


To ensure optimal longevity, Hexadecanoic Acid should be stored in a cool, dry haven, preferably in sealed containers, shielded from direct sunlight.


Each consignment is accompanied by a transparent Certificate of Analysis, reflecting our unwavering commitment to quality.


Our vast production haven, while emphasizing scale, is also a testament to our commitment to sustainable initiatives and unmatched production efficiency.


Our financial interactions mirror our foundational values: transparency and equitability. Competitive pricing is complemented by flexible, client-focused payment structures.


Benefiting from our strategic alignment with the esteemed Mumbai Port, we guarantee swift and seamless maritime expeditions.


Though rooted in Indian terrains, our wings span the globe. From the tranquil vistas of India to the bustling heartbeats of global metropolises, our presence is ubiquitous.


In the illustrious canvas of chemical magnificence, Mumbai Chemical is more than a mere contributor; it’s a trailblazer, sculpting paradigms of quality, novelty, and unparalleled service. Hexadecanoic Acid, under our guardianship, transcends being a mere product; it embodies a pledge. Partnering with Mumbai Chemical isn’t just a business transaction; it signifies the inception of a collaborative odyssey, exploring uncharted realms and scaling unmatched zeniths.

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