Antiscalant C.I ALKA
Very power full superior product which making the film to protect the Corrosion and antiscalant in Pipe line and equipment where supplies hot and cold water.
ANTISCALANT 9209 RX ( seawater distillation plants )
Antiscalant for Water Distillation Units , specially designed to control the development of scale in seawater distillation plants.
Antiscalant / Antifoulant – Corrosion Inhibitor 704
Antiscalant / Antifoulant – Corrosion Inhibitor 704 is a highly effective liquid an-tiscalant/antifoulant developed to control scale precipitates and reduce particulate fouling within membrane separation systems
Antiscalant RO
This is a reverse osmosis membrane treatment chemicals . It is highly concentrated polymer chemicals.
Antifreeze with Potassium Chromate
pH control and water softening ability. Potassium dichromate is added to antifreeze-antiboil as a corrosion inhibitor. The pH control is used to maintain an acid free solution. The water softening ability deters formation of mineral deposits Inhibitor s
Antifreeze Plus Corrosion Scale Inhibitor 5 Ltrs
It also contains non-toxic multi-metal inhibitors to protect chillers and their associated cooling systems against corrosion and scale in order to maximise heat transfer properties of the system. It should be diluted using ultra pure, demineralised, softe
Antifreeze Plus Corrosion Scale Inhibitor 25 Ltrs
It also contains non-toxic multi-metal inhibitors to protect chillers and their associated cooling systems against corrosion and scale in order to maximise heat transfer properties of the system. It should be diluted using ultra pure, demineralised, softe
Antifreeze Liquid 210 Ltrs
It is a Very effective blend of GLYCOL classified chemicals along with CORROSION inhibitor to protects all engineering precious metal including aluminium . Its chemically treated layer protect radiators and engines, against rust and corrosion. Its proper
Antifreeze Liquid
Antifreeze compound for cooling water systems , It is a Very effective blend of GLYCOL classified chemicals along with CORROSION inhibitor to protects all engineering precious metal including aluminium . Its chemically treated layer protect radiators and