Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40
Sodium Thiosulphate Solution
Sodium Thiosulfate used as a Pond / Aquarium Dechlorinator. This product also used as a Photography as a fixing agent (hypo) to dissolve unchanged silver salts from exposed negatives.
Sodium Meta Bi Sulfite Pwd.
SMBS Used as a disinfectant, antioxidant and preservative agent. It is used as a cleaning agent for potable water reverse osmosis membranes in desalination systems. It is also used to remove chloramine from drinking water after treatment. Also used in pr
Sodium Bisulphite solution
Dechlorination product which is frequently used in municipal wastewater, pulp & paper, power, and textile water treatment plants and as a Oxygen scavenger in Boiler water treatment. Also popular for preservative in photo developer process and Food additiv
Secondary Anionic Flocculant Sewage Treatment
The product is to be used as a secondary flocculant along with the cationic primary flocculant for api separator effluent oily water unit.
Reverse Emulsion Breaker 2366
Reverse Emulsion Breaker 2366 is a formulation of cationic polyelectrolytes and inorganic salts used in theclarification of oil field and industrial waste waters.
Primary cationic Flocculant Sewage Treatment
For waste water treatment unit as an agglomerating agent
Poly Aluminium Chloride 25Ltr Liq.
Flocculation in municipal water supply, sewage and industrial effluent and for Paper manufacture.
Poly Aluminium Chloride 25 Kg. PWD
A part from the use in water treatment and urban water supply, Polyaluminium Chloride also finds application in drilling exploration, cosmetic, chemical, paper and various other industries
Food Grade Disinfectant ORG TR 50 – 25 ltr
It is a bactericide, fungicide, virucide, sporicide and an algeaecide
EWT Coagulant
Effluent and Waste Treatment Coagulant Anionic polyacrylamide based product for use to assist suspended matter removal.
DEFOMAMINE 700 is uniquely formulated to reduce foaming in amine systems using MEA, DEA, MDEA, DGA and formulated amine solvents.
Dechlorine Liquid
Dechlorination liquid shall be formulated and produced to chemically neutralize both free and combined chlorine in water, wastewater and process water treatment systems.
Cationic Poly Electrolyte Powder (RXFLOC 200)
The Cationic Poly Electrolyte is utilized for dewatering organic slush from human waste, sewage and industrial effluents
Calcium Hydroxide Liquid
Liquid Calcium Hydroxide (LCH) is used in water treatment, waste water treatment, acid neutralization and as a substitute in many liquid caustic applications.
Antifoam Defoamer
RXSOL-16-2066 is antifoam emulsion and its more concentrated antifoam emulsion. It has excellent candidates for controlling foam in amine and glycol dehydration units. This is suitable products for gas plants and have excellent stability in the presence
Anionic Polyelectrolyte (RX Floc 100)
Polyelectrolyte to be used as flocculant in direct filtration process for settling of inorganic suspended solids, effluent water.
it can act as an coagulant, flocculant, precipitant and emulsion breaker. As coagulant and flocculant, aluminum sulfate successfully removes turbidity, suspended solids and colloidal color,reduces biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and extremely clarifies po
Aluminium Hydroxide ATH
Aluminium Hydroxide is a non-abrasive powder with a Mohs’ hardness index of 2.5 – 3.5 and a specific gravity of 2.42. Aluminium Hydroxide is considered as one of the largest volume flame retardant as it can be heated to 200°C and hydrated alumina can be d
Accelerage Activated Sludge Acceleration Agent
Biostimulation, to enhance the proliferation of indigenous microorganisms and therefore the degradation of contaminants, is an effective tool for treatment of oil-contaminated soil.