Test Kit For Water-62
TPTZ Iron Reagent
TPTZ method is most common method for low range Iron determination from the sample.
Sulphite (Sulfite) Test Kit indicator TK – 15
The determination of sulfite usually is made only on boiler waters or on waters that have been treated with catalyzed sodium sulfite for corrosion prevention.
Sulphite (Sulfite) Test Kit indicator TK – 14
The determination of sulfite usually is made only on boiler waters or on waters that have been treated with catalyzed sodium sulfite for corrosion prevention.
Sulphite (Sulfite) Test Kit indicator TK – 13
The determination of sulfite usually is made only on boiler waters or on waters that have been treated with catalyzed sodium sulfite for corrosion prevention.
Sulphite (Sulfite) Test Kit HANDY EASY METHOD
The determination of sulfite usually is made only on boiler waters or on waters that have been treated with catalyzed sodium sulfite for corrosion prevention.
Sulphite (Sulfite) Lab Test Method
The determination of sulfite usually is made only on boiler waters or on waters that have been treated with catalyzed sodium sulfite for corrosion prevention.
This method is based on the precipitation of sulfate ion in such a manner as to form compound sulfate crystals of uniform size.
Sulfate Standard Solution
Glycerol sulfate solution is used to maintain proper crystal size in pricipitation of SUFATE, during SULFATE TEST. As The resultant turbidity of solution is measured at a wave length sensitive to turbidity on a photometer.
Sulfate Indicator Solution
Sulfate Indicator Solution principally based on the precipitation of sulfate ion in such a manner as to form sulfate crystals of uniform size. The resultant turbidity is measured at a wavelength sensitive to turbidity on a photometer.
Starch Acid- Sulfite Indicator Powder
Starch Acid/ Sulfite Indicator Powder for refill on Sulfite Test Kit
Silver Nitrate Crystal AR
SILVER NITRATE is a transparent colourless or white crystal. Silver nitrate has powerful germicidal and antiseptic power.
SILVER METAL purity test
Spot turns a creamy colour it is high quality silver, usually sterling. If it turns black it is coin quality silver and if it turns green it has high amounts of copper and therefore is poor quality silver and a gold colour means a lot of brass,
Silica Gel Crystal White 100 Gram
Silica gel absorbs excess moisture and condensation. Packed as per the specific requirements.
Rig Laboratory Complete Set
Rig Laboratory, With Mud Balance, Cup & Funnel, Wall Mount Filter Press, Sand Kit, Reagents And Glassware, In Stainless Steel Cabinet
Potassium Thiocyanate
Potassium Thiocyanate solution also used to determine Chloride, Bromide and Iodide in presence of Silver Nitrate with Potassium Thiocyanate titrant using a Ferric Alum Indicator.
Potassium Iodide-Iodate Titrant
Standard potassium iodide-iodate titrant standardized to 0.0125N . Titrate with potassium iodide-iodate titrant until end point and faint permanent blue color develops.
Potable Water Test Kit
RXSOL POTABLE WATER TEST KIT is a monitoring kit enabling shipboard personnel to regularly test the drinking water onboard to help determine whether it is suitable for drinking.
Phosphate Test Kit
This test kit reads the total phosphate level in parts per million (ppm), which are equivalent to milligrams per liter (mg/L) from 0 – 50.0 ppm (mg/L).
pHAST TEST pH Indicator
pHAST TEST is a ready to use surface alkalinity tester for stucco, masonry, concrete and painted surfaces.
Palladium Chloride Passivation Test Kit
During test on passivated stainless steel, A black spot will appear when the surface has not been passivated correctly. Various qualities of passivation will give graduations of grey shades, ranging from light (acceptable) to dark (unacceptable)