Test Kit For Water-62
Hardness Titration Solution – II
Hardness Titration Solution – II continues to be added till the displaces the indicator, complexing the remaining metal ions until all metal ions are bound to Hardness Titration Solution – II.
Hardness Test Kit for BOILER
Metal-indicator complexes red indicator to Blue colour changes VERY SIMPLE to TEST
Hardness Indicator Solution (AF Grade)
Calcium and magnesium present in a water sample is determined, by giving the greatest color change as the end point.
H2S vial (Bacteriological ) Kit
H2S vial (Bacteriological ) Kit is for checking Microbiological Quality of water. 1 PACK = 1 TEST
Glycerol Sulfate Solution
Glycerol sulfate solution is used to maintain proper crystal size in pricipitation of SUFATE, during SULFATE TEST. As The resultant turbidity of solution is measured at a wave length sensitive to turbidity on a photometer.