Corrosion Inhibitor Cool Treat
Organic liquid corrosion inhibitor with low-toxic poerty provides long-life corrosion protection for closed cooling water systems . Rxsol Cooltreat will protect all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminium. Cooltreat
Corrosion Inhibitor CI 2700
Film forming type, corrosion inhibitor. The dosing rate of corrosion inhibitor shall be 6-12 ppm (g/m3) based on the flow rate of product being transported through the pipelines.
Corrosion Inhibitor Antifoulant Marine Anti Algea Insect Seaweed Barnacles
Gives complete protection against corrosion andfouling by marine growth such as algae, moss, shellfish andmicro-organisms in seawater cooling systems. It is also usedas an effective biocide to treat diesel engine cooling watersystems against micro-organis
Corrosion Inhibitor Antifoulant for Aluminium cooling system
Superior corrosion inhibitor developed for use in closed water circulating systems containing aluminium
Corrosion Inhibitor Antifoulant Conc.
Formulated to prevent growth rather than remove existing growth of microorganism bacteria , fungi , larvae etc..
Corrosion Inhibitor 25 Ltr
Corrosion inhibitor especially designed to inhibit the attack of hydrochloric acid and steel during industrial cleaning operations. It also inhibits acid attack on copper and brass. It does not contain arsenic, chlorinated hydrocarbons, or lead compounds
Corrosion Inhibitor 1304
It is a n Anti-Agglo merate Hydr ate Inhibitor that effectively p r events gas h ydrates forming blockages.
Corrosion Inhibitor – Laser systems
corrosion inhibitor developed specifically for water cooled laser systems and hot water heating systems. RXSOL-40-4024 prevents metal corrosion and oxygen consumption in the cooling system water.
Corrosion Inhibitor (Preteratment Filming Agentsss)
It is composed of chelating agent, dispersant, pretreatment filming and surfactant.
Corrosion Inhibitor (Preteratment Filming Agent)
It is composed of chelating agent, dispersant, pretreatment filming and surfactant.
Corrosion Inhibitor (Pkr. Fluid) CORIN 303
Additive controls corrosion of tubing and casing strings when used in workover or packer brines, including sodium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium bromide, calcium bromide and zinc bromide
Corrosion Inhibitor (Carbon Dioxide and H2S)
To Prevent H2S Corrosion in distillation Columns overhead system.
Corrosion Inhibitor
Corrosion inhibitor especially designed to inhibit the attack of hydrochloric acid on iron and steel during industrial cleaning operations. It also inhibits acid attack on copper and brass. It does not contain arsenic, chlorinated hydrocarbons, or lead co
Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor for open and closed cooling systems (ECO)
Scale and corrosion inhibitors for open recirculating cooling water systems
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 256 Kgs
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 25 Ltr
This closed water treatment chemicals are designed to treat hot and chilled water systems. The product contains a combination of nitrite, borate, and silicate formulated to minimize corrosion and deposition. Alkaline inhibitor for closed cooling systems.
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 20 Ltr
superior multifunctional, nitrite-based chemical treatment used for the control of corrosion in closed cooling systems and chilled water systems. RXSOL-40-4011-020 is a liquid product containing a combination of ferrous and non-ferrous corrosion inhibitor
Corroision Inhibitor for Oxygen Control 20 Ltr
It is a corrosion inhibitor is a catalyzed liquid catatonic, filming amine corrosion inhibitor and oxygen scavenger , This formulation is especially effective way of protecting ferrous and aluminum metals from corrosion due to adverse environmental cond
Corroision Inhibitor for METAL
A POWERFULL corrosive preventive to prevent corrosion from sea water in ship BALLAST TANK.
Corroision Inhibitor for Closed/Chilled Systems with Nitrite & Indicator
Corroision Inhibitor for Closed/Chilled Systems with Nitrite & Indicator
Corroision Inhibitor for Closed/Chilled Systems Concentrate
multi-functional, nitrite-based chemical treatment used for the control of corrosion in closed cooling systems and chilled water systems RXSOL-40-4021 is a high performance nitrite based closed circuit inhibitor with indicator
Corroision Inhibitor for closed & Open cooling system
RXSOL-40-4028 creates an insoluble polymeric surface complex on copper and its alloys, and also reacts with copper in solution. RXSOL-40-4028 also works synergistically with other inhibitors to effectively control the corrosion of steel and aluminium in t