Sapphire Scientific Penetrating Tile and Grout Sealer
Sapphire Scientific Penetrating Tile and Grout Sealer
Sanitizer Disinfectant
Hypochlorous based disinfectant can also be used in place of hand sanitizer with no irritating side effects and does not cause hand dermatitis.
Sanitizer Cleaner
surface sanitiser and cleaner that is effective in reducing bacteria in food preparation,storage and eating areas.
SAND MEDIA for Water Filtration
Sand Media for Water Filtration system It is a frequently used as very robust method to remove suspended solids from water.
Safe Parts Washing Solvent
Parts cleaner for dissolving of Grease, oil, dirt, sludge, grime, ink, light carbon and similar soils are dissolved with minimal soaking and brushing. Machine shops, garages, factories, industrial repair shops and automobile make-ready facilities will fi
Safe Acid Descalex powder
Scale dissolver. Specifically formulated to remove rust and water scale build up from boiler evaporators, heat exchangers, cooling systems, pipeline collection system etc. Highly effective on heating. Safe and easy handling and storage.
Safe Acid Descalex Liquid 25 Ltr
This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Down-Time.
Safe Acid Descalex 20 kg
Superior, Heavy duty, POWDER acid containing accelerators, corrosion inhibitors & wetting agents . Specifically formulated to remove rust and water scale build up from boiler evaporators, heat exchangers, cooling systems, pipeline collection system etc.
Formulated to degrade excess residual organic waste products causing blockage, or slow draining in sinks, showers, scuppers, drains, etc. The specialized bacterial strains and enzymes in Rxsol Zyme DPC will digest grease, fats, starch and other organic co
RXSOL Zyme Digestor
Drain cleaner for slow running drains. Utilising active enzymes to eat through biological and organic waste products, RXSOL Zyme Digestor is a safe and non-corrosive product used to restore flow in drains where grease accumulation is a problem.
RXSOL Zyme Descaler 25 Ltr
The environmentally friendly and efficient treatment for urine scale build-up in vacuum pipes.This Product prevents scale and keeps sewage flowing freely. Routine use of Product puts an end to scale altogether.
RXSOL Zyme 700 FN
concentrated biologically active powder formulation containing a blend of patented bacterial strains, specifically developed to deal with sewage wastes