Engine Water Treatment DEWT
Multi-functional corrosion inhibitor for protecting recirculating cooling and heating water systems. RXSOL LIQUID EWT treatment is an excellent treatment for diesel engine primary and secondary cooling water. It is also ideally suited for use in chilled w
Oil Spill Dispersant Type-III 20 Ltrs
bio-degradable low toxic product with excellent efficiency of oil dispersant nature . This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place.
Cool Treat 210 Ltrs
This product offers protection for all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminum. Unlike other coolants, Cooltreat does not contain components subject to rapid depletion i.e. Nitrite and Silicate. Based on aliphatic acid
Oil Spill Dispersant Type-III 210 Ltrs
This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which dispersion takes place .
RXSOL 2000 -210 Ltr
Unique formulation with organic Corrosion Inhibitors , Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water systems as a high temperature coolant for internal combustion stationers, engines, machinery, snow melting systems, industrial heat transfer fluids , for p
Engine Water Treatment 210 Ltr
RXSOL LIQUID EWT treatment is an excellent treatment for diesel engine primary and secondary cooling water. It is also ideally suited for use in chilled water systems because it forms a clear, non-staining solution, which protects the system from corrosio
Safe Acid Descalex Liquid 25 Ltr
This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Down-Time.
Condensor Inhibitor 25 Kgs
POWERFULLY formulated condensor INHIBITOR , chemically control corrosion and scale in SYSTEM.
MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water 25 Ltr
Effective controller of MICRO BIOCIDE and BACTERIA from condensor WATER system. being effective against most kinds of bacteriaa, algae and fungi. It is a particularly useful product for air-wash systems and is compatible with all commonly used antifoulant
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water 210 Ltr
high performance non-oxidising micro-biocide that uses the latest chemical technologies for the rapid and effective treatment of cooling water systems.