Combotreat New Formulla 20 kg
Well-balanced blend of several powder with antifoaming agent for boiler water treatment, resulting in a scale and corrosion control by one simple operation. It is applied to types of boiler water systems, providing excess protection from the hard, sludge
Citric Acid
CITRIC ACID is a source of hydrogen ions (H+) used to reduce the pH of a drilling fluid. Both liquid and powdered.
Metal Brite HD 210 Ltrs
Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area and deposits left from the caustic based cargos like caustic soda. Also acts as SURFACE BRIGHTNER.
Disc Cleaner 25 Ltr
An extremely effective for removal of burnt grease, carbon deposit , oily residues and lacquers found in fuel oil and lube oil purifiers and filters. Also SALT DEPOSITION ( Salts of Calcium Carbonate etc. ) NOTE:- Mechanical cleaning ( Scrubbing and Bru
DI Ethanol Amine
DEA – DI ETHANOL AMINE is most commonly used as a surfactant, corrosion inhibitor and to remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.
HCF Remover HD 25 Ltr
Especially formulated for tank cleaning where Hydro Carbon Free techniques and more concentrated product with less foam is required to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and also used after animal and vegetable oils, fish oils, tall oils,tug oil etc