Potable Water Stabilizer (Liquid) FRESH WATER
The product effectively and economically provides scale and corrosion control in potable water and other shipboard once-through water systems. And specially designed to reduce the corrossion that is created in the storage systems of pot water.
Developed prodcut to remove color from cargo tank surfaces. It is particularly effective when loading color sensitive cargoes such as methanol, isopropyl alcohol, styrene monomer, and ethylene glycol “fiber grade.” High penetrating abilities to remove col
Bilge Clean Seprasol Heavy Duty 25 Ltr
Engine rooms specially designed for use in bilge systems where two phase separator is employed. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy.
Acrylate Cleaner Deodorizer – RXSOL X
Neutralizer / Deodorizer for Acrylate Monomers / ESTERS. This will also remove trace hydrocarbons and help to improve permanganate times.
VOYAGE SOL CLEANER Sea water cmpability
Specially formulated for cleaning of FUEL / BUNKER oily greasy surface of tanks with SEA WATER .
Bunker Cleaner C
For Cleaning of bunker “C” and other petroleum based products and drying oils. It can be effectively used to clean without leaving any traces. petroleum from cargo tanks, tank tops, decks and bilges. Very Effective on very heavy soiling, emulsifies crude
HCF Remover HD 25 Ltr
Especially formulated for tank cleaning where Hydro Carbon Free techniques and more concentrated product with less foam is required to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and also used after animal and vegetable oils, fish oils, tall oils,tug oil etc