Distilled Water, Battery Grade
For top up in inverter and all types of batteries also Add with coolant in radiator (as per ratio recommended) , and to keep stain free glass add in wiper tank of a car for cleaning windshield
Seacleaner- org
Degreaser and Tank Cleaner Specially formulated for cleaning of oily Greasy Surface and cleaning double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. It can also be used for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms, Industrial platform, Rigs p
Enviro 2000 Soft
Advance Cleaner suitable for PRESSURE washing equipment, Also have pleasant odour and safe to the persons handling it . Can be used as a multipurpose cleaner for tank or general cleaning and all types of cleaning and degreasing operations.
Best suitable prouct for WASHING MACHINE. Also very active lime scale remover to remove alkaline salts and water scales from automatic dishwashing machine, Geysers, Steam Iron, Coffee Makers, Bath Tubs, Bathroom Fixtures etc.
Sludge Conditoner for Boiler Water 20 Ltr
Product to be used in situations where the boiler water is contaminated with oil. This high performance product is applicable to both medium and low-pressure steam boilers in order to prevent sludge deposits.
Rust Stain Remover ( RSR )
Specially designed for removal of rust from any steel surface area and rust stains from brass, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, wood and ceramic surfaces. Also acts as a surface brightener.
Sediment Mud Silt Poly electro Dispersant
Its polymerisation dual effect mechanism help to prevent hard deposition of mud layer on metal surface as well as keeps mud particle in loose condition which causes more labour to clean .