Degreaser Heavy Duty – 25 ltr
Powerful Emulsifiable Solvent Degreaser with dispersing agents. Readily soluble in water in all proportions. It is non-corrosive to metal like copper, aluminium, mild steel and plastic. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy.
Coal Tar Cleaner 20 Ltr.
Heavy duty solution of emulsifiers, penetrating agents with an extremely high solvency based product which is useful for Bitumen, asphalt and coal tar cleaning .
Carbon Remover 210 Ltrs
This powerful action is based on a two –Layer mechanism. The top-layer prevents the evaporation of the volatile components in the button-layer. The button –layer removes the deposited substances. This way, the deposits are bind and trapped resulting to co
Hand Liquid Disinfectant Antiseptic
viscous materials containing natural ingredients , moisturisers , surfactants , Pleasant Citrus / Jasmine/ Orange smell. Easier to disperse than many other Gel cleaners.
All Purpose Cleaner 20 Ltrs.
Superior and powerful alkaline buffer cleaner containing corrosion inhibitors toprevent the corrosion of metals . It is a low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soiled & oily matter with good foaming qualities . It is free from hydrocarbo
Aqua Break RX 20 Ltrs
Concentrated cleaning agent based on nonionic detergents, alkaline components, special components to stabilise the hardness and corrosion inhibitors for aluminium.
Funnel Flat Stainless Steel
Wall Wash funnel is suitable for each sampling bottle because of the small diameter of the pipe