Tank Degresol A Heavy Duty 20 Ltr
It’s high emulsification formula easily react with residue / sludge deposits
Oil Spill Dispersant Type-III 25 Ltrs
Emulsifier based product with excellence efficiency and low toxicity with superior penetrating & surface active agents . This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which dispersion takes place .
Safe Acid Descalex powder
Scale dissolver. Specifically formulated to remove rust and water scale build up from boiler evaporators, heat exchangers, cooling systems, pipeline collection system etc. Highly effective on heating. Safe and easy handling and storage.
Floor wooden WAX Cleaner R40
Stripper for Wooden Floors, Mild but very effective specifically formulated Downing surfaces, very gentle on hands and ideal for cleaning of surface of Wood Work /Cement / Metals.
Aqua Break RX HD 20 Ltr
Numerous general cleaning applications including the remover of grease, oil, sludge, carbon deposits, general dirt and grime
RX Tuff High Foam conc.
Very effective ship hold cleaner and degreaser. Its heavy molecular surfactants rapidly react with water and produce effective cleaning solution. May be applied by brush, hand spray and by high and low pressure
Electrosol Quick Dry 25 Ltr
Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.
Diesilite Combustion Improver
specifically intended for treatment and reduction of corrosive smoke , carbon and soot deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger components.
Floor Stripper 5 Ltr
Excellent stain remover for use on tiles, concrete, wood and other types of hard floor .
Valvocare Fuel Additive 20 Ltr
This is antivanaduim and protect system from SODIUM problem . It is specifically intended to prevent damage of exhaust valve , formulated for treatment and reduction of corrosive deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger compone
High Foam Emulsifier Cleaner
Cleaner also have exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter & having good foaming qualities.