Acrylate Cleaner Deodorizer – RXSOL X
Neutralizer / Deodorizer for Acrylate Monomers / ESTERS. This will also remove trace hydrocarbons and help to improve permanganate times.
Bilge Clean Seprasol Heavy Duty 25 Ltr
Engine rooms specially designed for use in bilge systems where two phase separator is employed. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy.
Developed prodcut to remove color from cargo tank surfaces. It is particularly effective when loading color sensitive cargoes such as methanol, isopropyl alcohol, styrene monomer, and ethylene glycol “fiber grade.” High penetrating abilities to remove col
BioSol Cleaner
Very effective cleaner for sticky Oily and Greasy mess, Fully active cleaner specially formulated for the removal of tuff oily stains residues, with out the need for Scrubbing or Brushing which can cause mechanical damages to surface and result in poor
Potable Water Stabilizer (Liquid) FRESH WATER
The product effectively and economically provides scale and corrosion control in potable water and other shipboard once-through water systems. And specially designed to reduce the corrossion that is created in the storage systems of pot water.
Aqua Wash Cleaner
Superior tank cleaning chemicals degreaser also can be utilized as general purpose cleaning and degreasing agent for removal of oil and residues mineral, animal, vegetable and fish oils.
Protect your breathing and airways with respiratory protection from half face masks.
Cement Dissolver
Cement dissolver as an alternative to using hazardous acids for concrete removal. Back-Set is a one-of-a-kind formula. It uses an active ingredient found in molasses syrup, and is completely biodegradable.