Nitrogen Pure (10 Ltrs Water Capacity)
Pure Nitrogen in 10 Ltrs Water Capacity Carbon Steel Cylinder Filled up to 150 bar Pressure.
Nitrite Test Reagent TK – 6
During testing of NITRITE level ::: Add RXSOL TK6 drop by drop , mixing with the stirring rod until For endpoint ORANGE to BLUE / GREENISH colour just appears / develop.
Nitrite Test Reagent TK – 5
RXSOL TK5 addition will change ORANGE / light reddish colour of sample water. Its reagent comply with TK 6
Nitrite Test Kit
Nitrites are useful as corrosion inhibitors, preservatives, pigments, and in manufacturing many organic preservative chemicals. A Maximum Contaminant Level of 1 mg/L has been established by the USEPA for nitrite-nitrogen in drinking water.
NITRIC ACID 68-72% 60 Kg
Extra pure NITRIC , removes iron residue & forms an oxide layer that boosts the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel intended to improve the corrosion resistance
NITRIC ACID 68-72% 50 Ltrs
Extra pure NITRIC , removes iron residue & forms an oxide layer that boosts the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel intended to improve the corrosion resistance
Photo engraving, Metallurgy, Etching steel, Ore floatation., Preparation of nitro compounds, Oxidizer in liquid rocket propellants.
Nitric Acid 62 to 68%
Pasivation Grade Improve the corrosion resistance of parts made from austenitic, ferritic and martensitic corrosion-resistant steels of the 200, 300 and 400 series and precipitation hardened corrosion-resistant steels.
Nitrate Test Kit
Uses of Brucine for Nitrate Determination from natural waters. Change of colour directly proportional of nitrate concentration.
Nickel Nitrate anhydrous form is not commonly encountered, thus “nickel nitrate” usually refers to nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate.
New Org Powerful
For cleaning of RPO / fuel oils asphalt, wax deposition and for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms on deck.
New Org
For cleaning of RPO / fuel oils, asphalt, waxy deposition and for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms on deck.