Potassium Lignite
It is a specially formulated modified lignite compound compatible with all water base mud systems but it is developed specially for use in potassium based mud systems.
Potassium Iodide-Iodate Titrant
Standard potassium iodide-iodate titrant standardized to 0.0125N . Titrate with potassium iodide-iodate titrant until end point and faint permanent blue color develops.
Potassium Iodate
Potassium Iodate occurs as a white, crystalline powder. KIO3 can be used as a substitute of KI in radiation protection.A kinetic study of thermal degradation of KIO3 by γ-rays suggests that rate of decomposition increases while activation energy decreases
Potassium Hydroxide 25% Solution
Lab Reagent Chemical Solutions CVS – Concentrated volumetric solutions
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate also commonly known as KHP. We are keeping ready stock of high purity KHP.
Potassium Chromate Solution
Potassium Chromate Indicator for Silver – Chloride Titrations. Chemical Manufacturer of Specialty Bulk Inorganic Chemicals, Reagents and Fine Organic Chemicals for Process Chemistry
Potassium Chromate PWD
Potassium Chromate is a yellowish, crystalline, inorganic compound Potassium chromate is a strong oxidizing agent.
Potassium Chromate
Potassium Chromate Pure indicator for determination of Chloride by titration method.