Coffee Machine Boiler Descaler
Leave for just 10 minutes chemically developed RXSOL particle will dissolves hard and old lime scale deposits from surface of appliances.
HBI CARGO Hold Wash Concentrate RX 25 Ltrs
HBI CARGO Hold Wash Concentrate RX is a versatile all-purpose QUALITY marine cleaning solution. It can be used as a powerful stand-alone cleaner for HBI CARGO . it can be used as a powerful stand alone cleaner for HBI CARGO dust and deposition .
Unipol RX
pH-neutral, liquid concentrated detergent with good cleaning qualities. It contains effective but mild and environmentally safe wetting agents and surfactants that allow rapid penetration to remove fats and oils. Unipol is especially suitable for hydrocar
Innovative, concentrated liquid product specifically engineered to attack, penetrate and remove Coal Carbon, pet coke, lime deposition
Car Wash Shampoo 210 Ltr
A new and exciting silicon base product treated for the really tough cleaning problem faced on the proper maintenance of AUTOMOBILES. our shampoo globules keep apart by mutual repulsion and are said to have been emulsified grease globules bearing dirt can