EWT Coagulant
Effluent and Waste Treatment Coagulant Anionic polyacrylamide based product for use to assist suspended matter removal.
Evaporator Treatment Chemical
Highly active antifoulant, water scale inhibitor, dispersant and anti-precipitant compound for use in industrial and marine water systems, such as cooking systems, heat exchangers, air conditioning equipment, etc.
Evaporator Coil Cleaner
Ingredients designed to penetrate and remove built-up grease, dirt and oxidation from finned coils, cleaning in one step. Cleaning and removal of dirt and greasy film from evaporator coils and enables the equipment to operate more efficiently.
Clear, Colourless, Syrupy liquid which lowers the freezing point of water. odorless and soluble in water, alcohol and acetone. Hazard: Toxic by ingestion and inhalation.