Fuel Emulsion Breaker 210 Ltr
Fuel Emulsion Breaker 210 Ltr
Valvocare Fuel Additive 25 Ltr
This is antivanaduim and protect system from SODIUM problem . It is specifically intended to prevent damage of exhaust valve , formulated for treatment and reduction of corrosive deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger compone
BIOCIDE Fuel Additive
Excellent control of fouling by shellfish, micro-organisms and fungal growth in FUEL systems. Also discourage corrosion of metal in the FUEL system by removal residual water and contaminants..
Fuel Additive BIOCIDE Liquid 210Ltr
Excellent control of fouling by shellfish, micro-organisms and fungal growth in FUEL systems. Its use will discourage the setting of the free-swimming larval form of the molluc, which discourage corrosion of metal in the FUEL system.
Fuel Care Treat 210 Ltr
Superior additive to maintain homogenious dispersion of FUEL oil BLEND. Its chemical reaction improves water separation in tanks and separators which also increase combustion efficiency.
Biocontrol RX CONTROLLER of Organism in FUEL
Biocontrol Rx is a specially designed liquid biocide against micro organisms contaminating fuel storage tanks and systems. These micro organisms can cause corrosion, clog filters and nozzles and degrade the properties of the fuel. Biocontrol Rx is effecti
Biocontrol RX 210 Ltr
Biocontrol RX is a specially designed liquid biocide against micro organisms contaminating fuel storage tanks and systems.
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 25 Ltr
This closed water treatment chemicals are designed to treat hot and chilled water systems. The product contains a combination of nitrite, borate, and silicate formulated to minimize corrosion and deposition. Alkaline inhibitor for closed cooling systems.
Condensor Inhibitor 25 Kgs
POWERFULLY formulated condensor INHIBITOR , chemically control corrosion and scale in SYSTEM.
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Corroision Inhibitor Multifunctional closed/chilled systems 210 Ltr
Condensor Radiator Scale Controler 25 Ltrs
Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler For Radiators, DG – sets, Closed Cooling System , Specialy formulated for SCALE CONTROL
BIOCIDE sanitizer 25 Ltrs
enviromentally safe and versatile anti microbial and a powerful anti oxidant, When it dissolved in water, it disintegrates to water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. All these degradation products are non toxic. It is a very powerful oxidant, whose oxidation po