Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate also commonly known as KHP. We are keeping ready stock of high purity KHP.
Advance Disinfectant & Cleaner
Advance Laboratory disinfectant is an all-purpose, non-alcohol based formulation. This new formulation is based on micro-emulsion technology, providing a safer, simpler and more secure disinfectant that is economical to use.
BOILPLEX AT Hardness Control
In addition to controlling the alkali content, scale and sediment, Boilplex ATprotects the condensate system (Steam superheater) from corrosion caused by low pH. Boilplex AT control sludge and sediment deposition by adsorption on sludge boiler surfaces;
Citrus Solvent Natural paint Thinner
Natural Citrus Solvent is used as an excellent degreaser, paint thinner alternative, and can be used to replace petroleum chemicals such as mineral spirits. This solvent is extracted from the peel of the orange fruit. And this solvent is helpfull to maint