Emulsion sludge Breaker 210 Ltr
Unique feature that dissociates slop to seperate oil and water. This product is formulated to meet the ever changing regulations for the treatment of tank cleaning waste water after using petroleum based solvents, and Bunker “C” cleaners.
Emulsifier 9.5 Mole 210 Ltr
Ethoxylated nonionic surfactant mixtures 9.5 Moles fully reacted and widely used in Pharmaceutical Industry, Chemical Industry, Medical Drugs, detergent etc.
Electrosol Quick Dry 5 Ltr
Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.
Electrosol Quick Dry 30 Kg
Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.
Electrosol Quick Dry 25 Ltr
Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.
Electrosol QD electroclean
Its rapid evaporation rate with super degreasing action enables it to be used for cleaning and degreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.
Electrosol Plus Low Evaporation Rate
Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate.
Electrosol Plus electrical Cleaner
Excellent Cleaner for Electric Parts Having super Degreasing power with slow evaporation rate
Electrosol E
Quick evaporation rate and resulting for Cleaningand Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate.
Electrosol NF 25 Ltr
A well balanced blend of non-chlorinated degresol ( Having super Degreasing power ) with surfactants which eliminates Quick evaporation rate and resulting for Cleaningand Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal wi
Electrode Storage Solution
DO NOT store your pH electrode in distilled or deionised water as this will cause ions to leach out of the glass membrane and reference electrolyte, causing a slow and sluggish response.
Electro Cleaner Electrical Parts Cleaner
Super Degreasing power with surfactants which eliminates Cleaning Degreasing and rust removal from electrical equipment.